Clatskanie River (Juvenile Monitoring)

Clatskanie River Map, Juvenile Chum Monitoring, Figures 1 and 2

Clatskanie River Population

Clatskanie River

The Clatskanie River flows through the town of Clatskanie, OR, before entering Beaver Slough and Westport Slough and then the Columbia River (Figure 1). Historically, the Clatskanie River may have supported spawning by up to 3,000 Chum Salmon based on expanded estimates of abundance (Parkhurst et al. 1950, Fulton 1970) and potential habitat availability. However, no Chum Salmon adults have been observed in this system for 20 years. Currently, Coho Salmon, Steelhead, Coastal Cutthroat Trout, and to a lesser extent Chinook Salmon are now observed with no hatchery releases occurring in the basin. Land use in the Clatskanie River is urban (in Clatskanie}, rural residential, agriculture, and industrial timber. High quality spawning habitat currently exists in some areas of the watershed, and numerous additional restoration opportunities to improve lower quality spawning habitat in the watershed are also possible (Alfonse et al. 2017a). A rotary screw trap was used to monitor juvenile production at several different sites in Clatskanie River between February and June from 2012 through 2024 (Figure 2).

Literature Cited

Alfonse, B., K. Homel, J. E. Nunnally, and E. Suring.  2017a.  Chum Salmon Spawning Habitat Report for the Clatskanie River and Scappoose Creek Populations.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.  Clackamas, Oregon.  196 pages.

Fulton, L. A.  1970.  Spawning areas and abundance of Steelhead Trout, Coho, Sockeye, and Chum Salmon in the Columbia River basin-past and present.  NMFS Special scientific report-Fisheries 618.  37 pages.

Parkhurst, Z. E., F. G. Bryant, and R. S. Nielson.  1950.  Survey of the Columbia River and its tributaries.  Part 3.  USFWS Special Scientific Report-Fisheries, No. 36, 103 pages.