Filmed by: Derek Wiley
Year: 2022
Running Time: 31:47
Description: Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) were once abundant in the lower Columbia River, with historical run estimates of over one million fish. However, dramatic declines in abundance beginning in the 1940’s and persistently low returns over many decades led to Chum Salmon being listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1999. This documentary film highlights ODFW’s efforts to re-establish self-sustaining, naturally reproducing Chum Salmon populations on the Oregon side of the lower Columbia River through 1) habitat restoration to promote natural recolonization, 2) development of a conservation hatchery broodstock, 3) supplementation and reintroduction, and 4) researching and addressing limiting factors.
Title: Where Monitoring Meets Migration: The Amazing and Underappreciated Spawning Run of the PEAMOUTH
Filmed by: Derek Wiley
Year: 2020
Running Time: 07:24
Description: Each spring, thousands of native minnows called Peamouth migrate into Lower Columbia River tributaries to spawn. This impressive natural spectacle begins in May and overlaps with Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife's juvenile salmonid monitoring efforts in Bear Creek, a small tributary stream in Clatsop County, OR. This short film shows the challenges of monitoring juvenile salmonids during this amazing and unpredictable migration. Filmed with a GoPro Hero 5 camera and iPhone 10 and edited in iMovie 10.1.4 and Final Cut Pro X 10.4.8.
Title: Journey's End - Chum Salmon Spawning on the Oregon Coast
Filmed by: Derek Wiley
Year: 2020
Running Time: 04:41
Description: Underwater behavior and spawning of Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) captured on the northern Oregon Coast. Filmed with a GoPro Hero 5 camera and edited in iMovie 10.1.4.
Title: Pacific and Western Brook Lamprey Spawning in Clatskanie River, OR
Filmed by: Derek Wiley
Year: 2020
Running Time: 05:29
Description: Clatskanie River in the Lower Columbia River Basin is a productive lamprey system. This video captures spawning of Pacific and Western Brook Lamprey during spring from late-April through mid-May. Filmed with a GoPro Hero 5 camera and edited in iMovie 10.1.4.