Reports & Presentations


Homel, K.  2018.  Recovering Chum Salmon in the Lower Columbia River Basin.  The Osprey, Issue No. 91 (September 2018).  Pages 16-18.



ODFW.  2020.  Chum Salmon Reintroduction Project Fall Plan, 2020.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.  Clackamas, Oregon.  

ODFW.  2016.  Big Creek Hatchery Chum Salmon Recovery Program HGMP.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.  Clackamas, Oregon.  Last Updated July 25, 2016.  52 pages.      



Homel, K. M., T. W. Franklin, K. J. Carim, K. S. McKelvey, J. C. Dysthe, and M. K. Young.  2020.  Detecting spawning of threatened chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta over a large spatial extent using eDNA sampling: opportunities and considerations for monitoring recovery.  Environmental DNA 00:1–12.

Homel, K. M., C. M. Lorion, and B. J. Clemens.  2019.  Challenges and Opportunities to Apply Process-Based Restoration at Scales Appropriate to Anadromous Fishes.  Pages 479-515 In D. Dauwalter, T. Birdsong, and G. Garrett (editors), Multispecies and watershed approaches to freshwater fish conservation.  American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.  



Wiley, D., and K. Homel.  2021.  Monitoring of juvenile Chum Salmon and other fishes in Bear Creek and Clatskanie River, Oregon, Annual Report for 2020.  Science Bulletin 2021-06.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem.

Homel, K. and G. C. Roegner.  2020.  Migration rates of hatchery Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) fry in the Columbia River estuary.  Information Report Number 2020-03.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.  25 pages. 

Wiley, D., and K. Homel.  2020.  Monitoring of juvenile Chum Salmon and other fishes in Oregon tributaries to the Lower Columbia River, Comprehensive Report for 2012-2019.  Science Bulletin 2020-07.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem.  

ODFW.  2019.  Hatchery and Genetic Management Plan: Implementation Report for Fall 2019 - Spring 2020.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.  16 pages.

Homel, K. M., M. P. Small, and M. Kissler.  2019.  Oregon Chum Reintroduction Monitoring 2019: juvenile genotyping.  Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Washington.  9 pages.

Parzych, J., M. McAllister, and J. Epstein.  2019.  Sandy River Delta Chum Project: Sundial Island Feasibility Assessment.  Technical Memo from Inter-fluve Inc.  July 2019, 12 pages.

Parzych, J. and J. Epstein.  2019.  Sandy River Delta Chum Project: Year 2 Monitoring Data Summary.  Technical Memo from Inter-fluve Inc.  June 2019, 9 pages.

ODFW.  2018.  Hatchery and Genetic Management Plan: Implementation Report for Fall 2018 - Spring 2019.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.  23 pages.     

Parzych, J. and J. Epstein.  2018.  Sandy River Delta Chum Project: Year 1 Monitoring Data Summary.  Technical Memo from Inter-fluve Inc.  December 2018, 9 pages.

Small, M. P., K. M. Homel, and G. Gee.  2018.  Genotyping Oregon experimental Chum salmon: re-introduced adults and eyed-eggs, and conservation hatchery broodstocks.  Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Olympia, Washington.  12 pages.

Alfonse, B., K. Homel, J. E. Nunnally, and E. Suring.  2017a.  Chum Salmon Spawning Habitat Report for the Clatskanie River and Scappoose Creek Populations.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Clackamas, Oregon.  196 pages.

Alfonse, B., K. Homel, J. E. Nunnally, and E. Suring.  2017b.  Chum Salmon Spawning Habitat Report for the Youngs Bay and Big Creek Populations.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Clackamas, Oregon.  134 pages.

Franklin, T., K. Carim, M. Young, K. McKelvey, and M. Schwartz.  2017.  Environmental DNA sampling for the detection of chum salmon by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.  USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station, National Genomics Center for Wildlife and Fish Conservation, Missoula, Montana.

ODFW.  2017.  Hatchery and Genetic Management Plan: Implementation Report for Fall 2017 - Spring 2018.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife.  8 pages.  

Homel, K.  2015.  Addressing limiting factors and critical uncertainties in the reintroduction of chum salmon to Oregon tributaries of the Columbia River.  Proceedings of the Northeast Pacific Pink and Chum Salmon Workshop, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Small, M. P., K. M. Homel, and V. Smilansky.  2015.  Parentage analysis for Chum salmon fry captured below experimental adult outplanting site in Graham Creek, Oregon.  Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Molecular Genetics Lab, Olympia, Washington.    



Wiley, D.  2021.  Chum Salmon Reintroduction Project - 2020/21 End of Season Presentation.  Salmonid Life Cycle Monitoring Virtual Meeting, Corvallis, Oregon (June, 2021).  *Juvenile fish data in presentation were preliminary.

Wiley, D.  2020.  Chum Salmon Reintroduction Project - 2019/20 End of Season Presentation.  Salmonid Life Cycle Monitoring Virtual Meeting, Corvallis, Oregon (June, 2020).  *Juvenile fish data in presentation were preliminary and have since been finalized.

Homel, K. and J. Alexander.  2020. Distribution of Ceratonova shasta in the lower Columbia River and effects of C. shasta exposure on the survival of juvenile Chum Salmon.  Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bend, Oregon (March 2020).

Homel, K. and J. Alexander.  2020.  Distribution of Ceratonova shasta in the lower Columbia River and effects of C. shasta exposure on the survival of juvenile Chum Salmon. Ocean Ecology Group speaker series, Newport, Oregon (February 2020).

Homel, K. and D. Wiley.  2020.  The History of Chum Salmon in the Columbia River: collapsed populations on the long road to recovery.  Invited speakers at Nature Matters speaker series, Astoria, Oregon (January 2020).

Wiley, D.  2019.  Chum Salmon Reintroduction Project - 2018/19 End of Season Presentation.  Salmonid Life Cycle Monitoring Annual Meeting, Corvallis, Oregon (June, 2019).  *Juvenile fish data in presentation were preliminary and have since been finalized.

Homel, K.  2018.  Reintroduction of Chum Salmon to Oregon Tributaries of the Columbia River.  Johnson Creek Watershed Council, Milwaukie, Oregon.

Homel, K.  2018.  The History of Chum Salmon in Oregon: collapsed populations on the long road to recovery.  Invited Plenary at the Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, Alaska.

Wiley, D.  2018.  Chum Salmon Reintroduction Project - 2017/18 End of Season Presentation.  Salmonid Life Cycle Monitoring Annual Meeting, Corvallis, Oregon (June, 2018).  *Juvenile fish data in presentation were preliminary and have since been finalized.

Homel, K.  2017.  Evaluating eDNA as a tool to assess recolonization of a rare species: opportunities and constraints.  Salmonid Life Cycle Monitoring Annual Meeting, Corvallis, Oregon (June, 2017).

Homel, K. 2017. Reintroduction of Chum Salmon to Oregon Tributaries of the Columbia River.  Clackamas Watershed Council, Happy Valley, Oregon.

Homel, K. and E. Suring. 2016.  Invited.  Linking restoration strategies to reintroduction goals: a case-study of Columbia River Chum Salmon.  West Coast Salmon Summit, Canyonville, Oregon.

Homel, K.  2015.  Invited.  Status of chum salmon reintroduction efforts in Oregon Tributaries of the Columbia River.  Annual Northwest Fish Culture Conference, Willsonville, Oregon.

Homel, K.  2015.  Addressing critical uncertainties in the reintroduction of Chum Salmon to Oregon Tributaries of the Columbia River.  National AFS Meeting, Portland, Oregon.

Homel, K.  2015.  Invited.  Challenges and opportunities in the reintroduction of Chum Salmon in Oregon.  ODFW Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation Meeting, The Dalles, Oregon.

Homel, K.   2015.  Artificial spawning channels compensate for poor marine survival in chum salmon: update on the lower gorge channel.  Life Cycle Monitoring Symposium, Corvallis, Oregon.

Homel, K., B. Glaser, and T. Hillson.  2015. Invited.  Addressing limiting factors in the reintroduction of chum salmon to tributaries of the Lower Columbia River: an integrated strategy of habitat restoration, supplementation, and monitoring.  Salmon Recovery Conference, Vancouver, Washington.

Homel, K.  2015.  Invited.  Addressing limiting factors and critical uncertainties in the reintroduction of chum salmon to Oregon tributaries of the Columbia River.  Pink and Chum Salmon Workshop, Richmond, B.C. Canada.

Roegner, C., D. Bottom, and K. Homel.  2014.  Migration patterns of juvenile chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) in the lower Columbia River and estuary.  Columbia River Estuary Workshop, Astoria, Oregon.

Homel, K.  2013.  Invited.  Chum Reintroduction Strategies in the Lower Columbia River.  Nicolai-Wickiup Watershed Council Meeting, Gnat Creek Hatchery, Oregon.

Homel, K.  2012.  Chum Salmon Recovery in Oregon Tributaries to the Lower Columbia River.  Columbia River Estuary Conference, Astoria, Oregon.

Homel, K.  2012.  Chum Salmon Recovery in Oregon Tributaries to the Lower Columbia River.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife NW Region Meeting, Silverton, Oregon.

Homel K. and E. Suring.  2012. Chum Salmon Reintroduction on the Oregon Side of the Lower Columbia River.  Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Eugene, Oregon.


Survey Protocols

Homel, K. and N. Scheibel.  2016.  Spawn surveys and adult trapping protocol.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Chum Salmon Reintroduction Project, Corvallis, Oregon.  28 pages.

Homel, K.  2012.  Chum Reintroduction Project Habitat Survey Protocol, Version 1.  Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Chum Salmon Reintroduction Project,  Corvallis, Oregon.  23 Pages.