Conyers Creek (Juvenile Monitoring)

Clatskanie River Population
Conyers Creek
Conyers Creek is a small tributary stream that flows into the Clatskanie River within the town of Clatskanie, OR (Figure 1). Historically, Chum Salmon were known to occur in this creek (estimated number unknown), but currently only Coho Salmon, Steel head, Cutthroat Trout and some Chinook Salmon are observed. Conyers Creek has a gradient less than 1% with no barriers present in the lower 3 km near the confluence with the Clatskanie River. Within this section, land use is a mix of rural residential, residential, and industrial with substrate dominated by sand, silt, and small gravel and the stream channel is entrenched and disconnected from the floodplain (Alfonse et al. 2017a). Upstream of this section the gradient increases as the stream runs through agriculture, rural residential, and timber property. A rotary screw trap was installed at approximately the same location in 2012-13, 2015, and 2022-24, about 1 Rkm upstream of the confluence with Clatskanie River (Figure 2). The trap was installed in mid to late February and fished through early to mid-June.
Alfonse, B., K. Homel, J. E. Nunnally, and E. Suring. 2017a. Chum Salmon Spawning Habitat Report for the Clatskanie River and Scappoose Creek Populations. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Clackamas, Oregon. 196 pages.