Stewart Creek (Juvenile Monitoring)
Clatskanie River Population
Stewart Creek
Stewart Creek is a tributary to Beaver Creek and is located in the Clatskanie River Population (Figure 1). The creek flows into Beaver Slough immediately downstream of reach of tide (Figure 2). No estimate of historical abundance of Chum Salmon is available for this creek, but it is the last location with anecdotal reports of Chum Salmon presence in the basin prior to reintroduction efforts. Coho Salmon, Steelhead, and Coastal Cutthroat Trout spawn naturally in Stewart Creek and the basin does not receive any hatchery salmon id releases. Land use is rural residential in the lower section of the creek from Beaver Slough upstream to where the creek splits into two forks. Upstream of the forks, the primary land use is private timberlands. Suitable spawning gravels, pool habitat, and large woody debris exist in the system, most notably in a 500 m section of NF Stewart Creek from the confluence upstream to the first loggin g road crossing (Alfonse et al. 2017a). A fence panel trap was operated in the Stewart Creek watershed from 2014 to 2016 between February and May (Figure 2).
Alfonse, B., K. Homel, J. E. Nunnally, and E. Suring. 2017a. Chum Salmon Spawning Habitat Report for the Clatskanie River and Scappoose Creek Populations. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Clackamas, Oregon. 196 pages.